FFIS update, additional Role and Rules

Additional rules and the Vagabond Role have been added.

Some of the Rules added

Rules such as an Honor Score have been added to the game, adding guidelines on how to honor should be ruled in social situations. a dueling rule has been added for what should happen if a player or NPC has been challenged.  

Situational State has been added as well Giving a Game Master more of a helping hand when ruling some more specific situations such as character being in a bad spot or taking lots of damage. 

The Vagabond

like Ronins of japan or wandering gunmen of the frontier. The Vagabond lives off the land and can aid others if they should ever camp with a vagabond under the stars. Wondering swordsmen, bounty killers, and hunters are great for this role.

This will be one of my last updates to the game, I didn't plan on going this far in the first place but I've been enjoying the project. I hope you have been enjoying the game :). 


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Feb 12, 2023

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